Death tattoo: the Death's hourglass

Very often, various symbols of the relentless flow of time (like hourglasses, watches, sundials, old pendulum clocks, timepieces, horologes) are included in the Death tattoo designs. The presence of the time-related symbols is a reminder that the time is running out and the life is slipping away. Among these, the most popular is the traditional symbol of mortality - the Hourglass. The image of the hourglass, sometimes with the addition of metaphorical wings, is a symbol of the human life's fleeting, and that the "sands of time" will run out for...

Death tattoo - various elements which can occur in a Death tattoo

A Grim Reaper tattoo design is often combined with a variety of other design elements in order to make a truly unique tattoo design. The number of these design-elements is very large (up to several hundreds) and for this reason even their mere enumeration is an extremely difficult task. In this post I will attempt a brief overview of the most popular elements which can be seen in a Death tattoo. 1. Skulls and skeletons are probably the most common elements which can occur in a Death tattoo; sometimes Death himself / herself is depicted as a skeleton...

Dragons tattoo 2

Hi, everyone. In this post I'd like to show you several dragons tattoo designs available on my website, First, a black and white tiger and dragon tattoo design, combined with some tribal elements. I think that this design could be a good choice for a shoulder tattoo or for a back tattoo. If you like this image and want to see it in a larger format (600x500 px) you can find it on my website. Next: a (relatively) symmetrical tribal tattoo, appropriate for a back tattoo (an upper-back tattoo or a lower back tattoo). If you like this...

Aztec tattoos: Mictlantecuhtli, the lord of the dead

In the Aztec mythology Mictlantecuhtli was a god of the dead and the king of Mictlan (Chicunauhmictlan), the lowest and northernmost section of the underworld. He was one of the principal gods of the Aztecs and was the most prominent of several gods and goddesses of death and the underworld. The worship of Mictlantecuhtli sometimes involved ritual cannibalism, with human flesh being consumed in and around the temple. His wife was Mictecacihuatl, and together they were said to dwell in a windowless house in Mictlan. Mictlantecuhtli was associated...

Dragons tattoos: designs and ideas

Hi, everyone. In this post I'd like to present you the most recent tattoo gallery available on my website, the Dragon tattoo designs gallery. The first tattoo-design of this category is a tribal tattoo depicting two dragons forming a heart-shape. The text between the two dragons is written in Chinese and means "eternal love" or "everlasting love" (I think this text is quite appropriate for this tattoo-design, due to the fact that dragons were believed to be immortal creatures. Next: a dragon coiled around a tribal heart. In the...

Santa Muerte tattoos: several questions

Previous posts:1. Death tattoos: Santa Muerte - origins and significations 2. Death tattoos: portrayals of the Santa Muerte 3. Santa Muerte tattoos: various elements which can occur in these tattoos What could be the reason for getting a Santa Muerte tattoo? The first reason is the belief that Santa Muerte, being the saint of death, has the right to decide when one should die. By pleasing Santa Muerte, one can delay the moment of his / her death, can escape from deadly problems, etc. Besides, many of those who believe in Santa Muerte think that she can decide not only the moment of one's death...

Santa Muerte tattoos: various elements which can occur in these tattoos

Previous posts:1. Death tattoos: Santa Muerte - origins and significations 2. Death tattoos: portrayals of the Santa Muerte The two most common objects that Santa Muerte carries are a scythe and a globe. The scythe can symbolize the cutting of negative energies or influences. Also, as a harvesting tool, it can symbolize hope and prosperity. It can represent the moment of death, when a scythe is said to cut a silver thread. The scythe has a long handle, indicating that it can reach anywhere. The globe represents Death’s dominion and can be seen...

Death tattoos: portrayals of the Santa Muerte

Previous posts:1. Death tattoos: Santa Muerte - origins and significations Depictions Santa Muerte portrayed as Grim Reaper Most of the Santa Muerte tattoos, especially those which are made by unskilled "artists" or those made under improper conditions (like prisons) are usually cheap depictions of the Grim Reaper: a skeleton dressed in a long hooded cloak, carrying a scythe. Santa Muerte portrayed as a skeleton version of the Virgin of Guadalupe, the patron saint of MexicoMore original images actually portray the feminine aspect of the character,...

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